【動画】NHKの津波避難アナウンサーは誰?山内泉アナウンサーの津波避難呼びかけアナウンスが称賛の嵐!「怖すぎる」「子どもが泣いた」に「東日本大震災忘れたか?」 : 超絶"厳選"ニュースまとめch (slangeigo.com)
★ 津波!逃げて!(つなみ!にげて!)
⇒ TSUNAMI! EVACUATE!(ツナミ!エヴァキュエイト!)
※evacuateはもともと「退避する/避難する」という意味。「逃げて!」というのを"RUN AWAY!"とか"ESCAPE!"でなく敢えて"EVACUATE!"と書いてあるところに緊迫感が感じられます。
★"Please evacuate immediately!"
⇒ Major Tsunami Warning
⇒ Tsunami Warning
⇒ Tsunami Advisory
⇒ Tsunami Forecast (Slight sea level changes)
⇒ epicenter
アイリスオーヤマ 【防災士監修】 防災グッズ 防災リュック 33点 防災セット 一次避難用 小型 軽量 持ち運びやすい ブラック BRS-33
【津波を英語で言うと?】TSUNAMI(Tunami)が世界共通語の理由は何故?Big wave? Tidal wave?】津波の名前の由来・語源や発音は?
★ 【津波注意報が出たら、津波警報でなくてもすぐに避難・逃げなくてはいけないか?】避難の判断基準は?
"Tsunami Warnings are currently in effect for coastal regions of Japan."
1. outlook
2. watch(注意報)
3. advisory(注意報)
4. warning(警報)
【動画】NHKの津波避難アナウンサーは誰?山内泉アナウンサーの津波避難呼びかけアナウンスが称賛の嵐!「怖すぎる」「子どもが泣いた」に「東日本大震災忘れたか?」 : 超絶"厳選"ニュースまとめch (slangeigo.com)
★ 津波!逃げて!(つなみ!にげて!)
⇒ TSUNAMI! EVACUATE!(ツナミ!エヴァキュエイト!)
※evacuateはもともと「退避する/避難する」という意味。「逃げて!」というのを"RUN AWAY!"とか"ESCAPE!"でなく敢えて"EVACUATE!"と書いてあるところに緊迫感が感じられます。
★"Please evacuate immediately!"
⇒ Major Tsunami Warning
⇒ Tsunami Warning
⇒ Tsunami Advisory
⇒ Tsunami Forecast (Slight sea level changes)
⇒ epicenter
アイリスオーヤマ 【防災士監修】 防災グッズ 防災リュック 33点 防災セット 一次避難用 小型 軽量 持ち運びやすい ブラック BRS-33
【津波を英語で言うと?】TSUNAMI(Tunami)が世界共通語の理由は何故?Big wave? Tidal wave?】津波の名前の由来・語源や発音は?
★ 【津波注意報が出たら、津波警報でなくてもすぐに避難・逃げなくてはいけないか?】避難の判断基準は?
"Tsunami Warnings are currently in effect for coastal regions of Japan."
★ 注意報・・・Advisory
★ 警報・・・Warning
★ 特別警報・・・Emergency warning
1. outlook
2. watch(注意報)
3. advisory(注意報)
4. warning(警報)
"A tsunami warning has been issued."
"A tsunami warning has been issued."
"A tsunami warning is out now."
"A tsunami warning went out."
"A tsunami warning issued for Iwate prefecture."
"A tsunami warning has been lifted (discontinued) for Iwate prefecture. "
Tsunami Warning:
Take Action—Danger! A tsunami that may cause widespread flooding is expected or occurring. Dangerous coastal flooding and powerful currents are possible and may continue for several hours or days after initial arrival. Follow instructions from local officials. Evacuation is recommended. Move to high ground or inland (away from the water).
Tsunami Watch:
Be Aware—A distant earthquake has occurred. A tsunami is possible. Stay tuned for more information. Be prepared to take action if necessary.
☆Tsunami Advisory in place on the US West coast following a Massive Volcanic Eruption
☆Tsunami advisory issued for US West Coast after volcano erupts in Tonga
【動画】NHKの津波避難アナウンサーは誰?山内泉アナウンサーの津波避難呼びかけアナウンスが称賛の嵐!「怖すぎる」「子どもが泣いた」に「東日本大震災忘れたか?」 : 超絶"厳選"ニュースまとめch (slangeigo.com)
Tsunami Warning:
Take Action—Danger! A tsunami that may cause widespread flooding is expected or occurring. Dangerous coastal flooding and powerful currents are possible and may continue for several hours or days after initial arrival. Follow instructions from local officials. Evacuation is recommended. Move to high ground or inland (away from the water).
Tsunami Advisory:
Take Action—A tsunami with potential for strong currents or waves dangerous to those in or very near the water is expected or occurring. There may be flooding of beach and harbor areas. Stay out of the water and away from beaches and waterways. Follow instructions from local officials.
Take Action—A tsunami with potential for strong currents or waves dangerous to those in or very near the water is expected or occurring. There may be flooding of beach and harbor areas. Stay out of the water and away from beaches and waterways. Follow instructions from local officials.
Tsunami Watch:
Be Aware—A distant earthquake has occurred. A tsunami is possible. Stay tuned for more information. Be prepared to take action if necessary.
Tsunami Information Statement:
Relax—An earthquake has occurred, but there is no threat or it was very far away and the threat has not been determined. In most cases, there is no threat of a destructive tsunami.
Relax—An earthquake has occurred, but there is no threat or it was very far away and the threat has not been determined. In most cases, there is no threat of a destructive tsunami.
☆Tsunami Advisory in place on the US West coast following a Massive Volcanic Eruption
☆Tsunami advisory issued for US West Coast after volcano erupts in Tonga
【動画】NHKの津波避難アナウンサーは誰?山内泉アナウンサーの津波避難呼びかけアナウンスが称賛の嵐!「怖すぎる」「子どもが泣いた」に「東日本大震災忘れたか?」 : 超絶"厳選"ニュースまとめch (slangeigo.com)