


【クリスマス英語】クリスマスカードに使える英語メッセージ&例文集おしゃれな短文・ビジネス・恋人に使えるXmas Card英語例文!

クリスマスカードに使える英語の例文集を掲載します!今年のChristmas Cardは、英語を付け加えて、ちょとおしゃれなものにしてみてはいかがですか??


★ I wish you a Merry Christmas.

★ Best wishes to you for a happy Christmas.

★ May Christmas bring you a lot of love and happiness.

★I wish you a joyful Christmas from the bottom of my heart.

★May peace and Joy be yours at Christmas and throughout the new year.

★Thinking of you with love at Christmas.


★A Christmas Greeting from the heart.

★You're the best gift that Santa ever brought me.



★ Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

★ A very merry Christmas and a happy new year!

★ Best wishes to you for a happy Christmas and a joyful New Year.

★Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

★ Hearty greetings for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

★ Have a very special Christmas and a fun-filled new year!

★ Merry Christmas and hope you have a brilliant 2023.



 Many Japanese consider Christmas a festive occasion and enjoy it just for fun!



★ Season's greetings to you.

★ Happy holidays!

★ All the best for 2023!

★ Let's hope the coming year is even better than the last!

★ Best wishes for a bright and beautiful holiday season!

★ Sending you warmest greetings for a special holiday! 

みなさんからの要望にお応えして、クリスマスカードに使える英語の例文集を掲載します!今年のChristmas Cardは、英語を付け加えて、ちょとおしゃれなものにしてみてはいかがですか??

★ I wish you a Merry Christmas.

★ Best wishes to you for a happy Christmas.

★ May Christmas bring you a lot of love and happiness.

★I wish you a joyful Christmas from the bottom of my heart.

★May peace and Joy be yours at Christmas and throughout the new year.

★Thinking of you with love at Christmas.

★A Christmas Greeting from the heart.

★You're the best gift that Santa ever brought me.

【2022年賀状英語】「良い年になりますように!」「良いお年を迎え下さい」を英語で言うと? : スラング英語.com (slangeigo.com)

【年賀状に使える英語文例集】あけましておめでとう!ハッピーニューイヤーを英語で言うと?2022年バージョン2 : スラング英語.com (slangeigo.com) 

寒中見舞いを英語で言うと?寒中見舞いを出す時期は?クリスマスカード&英語例文集 : スラング英語.com (slangeigo.com)  



 I wish you a Merry Christmas.
 With best wishes for Merry Christmas.
 May peace, joy and happiness be yours this Christmas season.
 I wish you a joyful Christmas from the bottom of my heart.
 May peace and Joy be yours at Christmas and throughout the new year.


 Best wishes to you for a happy Christmas and a joyful New Year.
 I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.


 Much peace, love and joy to you all in 20018.
 Season’s Greetings!/ Happy Holidays!
 Happy Holidays! This year went so fast. I hope it was a good one and the next even better.
 Here’s hoping the whole family has happy holidays!
 I hope next year will be an even better year for you.

 会社で海外のお得意先にカードを送る場合は、”Happy Holidays!”が無難ですね^^



The word Christmas comes from the words Cristes maesse, or “Christ’s Mass”. Christmas is the celebration of the birth of Jesus for members of the Christian religion. Most historians peg the first celebration of Christmas to Rome in 336 AD.

  クリスマスという言葉は、”Chirst”(キリスト)の “Mass”(ミサ・祭日)という意味です。つまり、キリストの誕生を祝うお祭りという意味なのです。ちなみに、クリスマスのことをよくXmasと書きますが、これはギリシャ語でChristを意味するXristosの頭文字からとっているものなのです。


No one really knows. What is known is that Christian leaders in 336 AD set the date to December 25th in an attempt to eclipse a popular pagan holiday in Rome (Saturnalia) celebrating the winter solstice. Originally the celebration of Christmas involved a simple mass, but over time Christmas has replaced a number of other holidays in many other countries, and a large number of traditions have been absorbed into the celebration in the process.



St. Nicholas was born in 280 AD to wealthy parents in Patera in Asia Minor. He was orphaned at a young age and became a Christian Minister. St. Nicholas was elected bishop and he was once imprisoned for his faith. Nicholas is most famous for giving. He was known to beg for food for the poor. One story claims that he would dress up in a disguise and go out into the streets and give gifts to poor children. Some historians claim that St. Nicholas died in 343 AD, but many children believe that he is still alive giving out presents every Christmas in celebration of Christ’s birth.



It has been taken into belief of most that the Christmas tree has started in Germany in the mid 700’s. The evergreen trees represented life. It is during the time of Christmas, in which the birth of Jesus Christ is celebrated that these trees are decorated and taken into homes. These trees represent the life of Jesus Christ and how He still live on today. They became known as the “Christ Tree” until the celebration became known as Christmas. Then it was the Christmas Tree.
Ancients would bring evergreen leaves on the night of December 21, the shortest day of the year. They did this because they wanted the sun god to get well and they thought the green leaves of evergreens would better the god.
In many countries thousands of years ago, people would decorate their houses with evergreen leaves and branches to keep away ghosts, witches, sickness, and evil spirits.
German Martin Luther is said to be the first to bring the tree indoor decorated with candles to show his children what stars looked like at night in the forest. He had been walking home and was amazed at the beauty of the stars. This is why he did it. This grew into America and now people light their trees with much more than candles(lights).





 ジングル・オールザ・ウエイ ★★★★★
  エルフ ★★★★☆
  34丁目の奇跡 ★★★★
 クリスマスキャロル ★★★★

