




"National Foundation Day"






Februally 11th is the National Foundation Day. According to the Japanese historical legend, on this day in the year 660 BC, Emperor Jinmu, the first Emperor of Japan, built his capital in the Yamato district, Nara Prefecture now.This day is celebrated in commemoration of the foundation of the nation. Patriotism is also promoted on this day. The present Emperor is said to be the 126th from Jinmu Emperor in the direct line.



⇒ https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E7%B4%80%E5%85%83%E7%AF%80








⇒Komorebi: The sunlight that filters through the leaves of the trees.

★ 木漏れ日と木洩れ日の違いは・・・


Lost in Translation: An Illustrated Compendium of Untranslatable Words


 The sunlight that filters through the leaves of the trees.

It may be temporarily blinding, but it's most definitely beautiful. There is something wonderfully evocative and uniquely magical about sunlight filtered through green foliage.



Lost in Translation: An Illustrated Compendium of Untranslatable Words 



It's Not a Word, It's a Feeling!KOMOREBI  { 木漏れ日 } is the Japanese word for sunlight, which is filtered through the leaves of the trees. In particular, it means the visible light rays.
“Komorebi” is composed of several parts of the word: “Ko” means tree or trees. “More” means: something that comes through, something that shines through or seeps through. “Bi” means: sun or sunlight.The word “Komorebi” reflects the romantic and emotional love of the Japanese for nature.
KOMOREBI® is that feeling, walking through the forest in the morning when the day wakes up or the afternoon when the sun goes down and the sun shines through the trees. When the sunlight kisses the ground. This light wind, this smell, this unique moment that makes every morning a special morning.
"Komorebi "はいくつかの部分から構成されています。"Ko "は木を意味します。"More "は通り抜けるもの、光り輝くもの、染み込むものを意味します。「こもれび」という言葉には、日本人の自然に対するロマンチックで情緒的な愛が込められています。KOMOREBI®は、日が昇る朝や、日が落ちて木漏れ日が差し込む午後に、森の中を歩いているときの感覚です。太陽の光が地面に触れるとき。この軽やかな風、この匂い、毎朝を特別な朝にするこのユニークな瞬間・・・。


⇒ Winter solsticeです。solsticeとは、『至』・『〔夏至・冬至の〕至点』という意味です。summer solsticeならば、夏至というわけですね!ちなみに、イギリスとアメリカでは発音が異なり、

[US] sɑ́lstəs(サルスティス)
[UK] sɔ́lstəs(ソルスティス)



 Toji means winter solstice and it usually falls around December 22nd. Contrary to the summer solstice, the winter solstice has the longest night and the shortest daylight hours in the year. 
 Both in ancient China and in the ancient Imperial Court in Japan, the Emperor held a ritual on this day. They believed, according to the lunar calendar used in both countries, that the New Year began on this day.
 It is also customary to eat pumpkin or rice and azuki bean porridge on the day as an old tradition has it that eating pumpkin fends off colds and paralysis, while eating rice and azuki bean porridge keeps evil spirits away because of its reddish-brown color.


【Tojiは冬の至点である冬至を意味し、例年12月22日頃です。冬至は、夏至とは逆に、一年で最も夜が長く、昼の時間が短い日でです。 古代中国でも、日本の朝廷でも、この日に天皇の祭祀が行われました。両国で使われていた旧暦では、この日から新年が始まると信じられていました。


It is customary for people to take a hot citron bath on the day of the winter solstice. It is said that if you take a hot bath with small citrus fruits floating in the bathtub, you can avoid catching cold. This is an ancient tradition to get over the harsh cold winter and keep in good shape.







The term "Generation Z" refers to people born between around 1996 and 2010, and as of 2021, people between the ages of 11 and 25 fall into this category. They are noted for their acceptance of different opinions and values and their mastery of new technologies.



⇒"Support activities"

 "推し活 "とは、ファンがアイドルに感謝の気持ちを込めて行う活動のことです。1月に芥川賞を受賞した小説『推し、燃ゆ』(宇佐見りん著)のタイトルには、この言葉の前半部分が使われています。

The term "tsuishikatsu" refers to the activities that fans engage in to show their appreciation for their idols. The first half of this term is used in the title of the novel "Oshi, Moyu" (written by Rin Usami), which won the Akutagawa Prize in January.





【stan】【I stan~】英語・スラング・略語の意味。「~担」「超推せる」を英語で言うと? : スラング英語.com (slangeigo.com)



2分でわかる!杉村 英孝選手 ボッチャ個人で日本初の金メダル | ボッチャ | 東京パラリンピック



"Sugimurising" was coined by combining the words "Sugimura" and "rising" to describe boccia player Hidetaka Sugimura's signature tossing technique. In the BC2 class of the 2020 Paralympics boccia individual competition, Sugimura dominated the competition with his trademark "rising shot" and other well-aimed tosses to win Japan's first gold medal. He won Japan's first gold medal.


成人の日:Coming-of-Age Day



【2022年成人の日】成人式の対象は何歳?18歳?20歳?ディズニーは?英語で説明すると? : スラング英語.com (slangeigo.com)

★ The second Monday in January is Coming-of-Age Day or Adult's Day, one of the national holidays, when Japanese people celebrate the coming of age of all the youths who have reached the age of twenty in course of the year preceding it.


★ Ceremonies are held in every city, town and village.

★ Many women who have reached twenty years old attend in gorgeous Kimono called furisode specially prepared for this occasion.


⇒ New Year's Eve


 Misoka is the last day of each month and oumisoka means the last day of the twelfth month of the year, December 31st. 
 In old times it was customary for people to sit up all night on New Year's Eve to greet Toshigami-sama, the god of the year, at home. Tradition has it that those who fall asleep during New Year's Eve would have gray hair and wrinkled faces.
 Even today, on New Year's Eve, a great numbe of people sit up all night to pay a visit to temples and shrines or to listen to the sound of the bells ringing out the old year. And on this day, almost all bus and train services are available all through the night.

改訂版 英語で日本紹介ハンドブック

★December 31st is called Ohmisoka. At the end of the year, we are very busy cleaning up the house and getting ready for the New Year.


★We have a custom to eat toshikoshi-soba on New Year's Eve.


★We listen to one hundred and eight strokes of the temple bells at midnight.

★These peals are said to drive away 108 kinds of our worldly concers.

Joya-no-Kane are the 108 chimes of the temple bell which are sounded at midnight on New Year's Eve. The sound of the bell rings out the old year and rings in the new year. It is also supposed to release people from the 108 worldly sons.

【2022年賀状英語】「良い年になりますように!」「良いお年を迎え下さい」を英語で言うと? : スラング英語.com (slangeigo.com)

【年賀状に使える英語文例集】あけましておめでとう!ハッピーニューイヤーを英語で言うと?2022年バージョン2 : スラング英語.com (slangeigo.com) 

寒中見舞いを英語で言うと?寒中見舞いを出す時期は?クリスマスカード&英語例文集 : スラング英語.com (slangeigo.com)  



Osechi: Traditional Japanese New Year Foods

★Osechi-ryori is festive food for the New Year beautifully arranged in jubako, three or five layers of square, lacquered boxes.

★We eat Osechi-ryori with a wish for good health for the year so each ingredient has its own meaning.


黒豆(black beans):黒豆とまめ(勤勉)をかけて、1年中まめに働けるよう健康を祈る
田作り(small, dried sardines):昔稲作にイワシを肥料にして撒いていたことから、稲の豊作を願う
かずのこ (herring roe): 子だくさんと子孫繁栄を願う


☆伊達巻き (sweet omlet) 
☆かずのこ (salted herring roe) 
☆栗きんとん (sweet potato and chestnut) 
☆田作り (teriyaki small dried sardines) 
☆黒豆 (sweet black beans) 
☆かまぼこ (steamed fish paste) 
☆こぶまき (rolled kelp with fish) 
☆鯛 (sea bream) 
☆海老の酒蒸し (sake steamed shrimp) 
☆金平ごぼう (fried burdock root) 
☆れんこん (simmered lotus root) 


・Osechi-ryori literally means "the delicacies of the season". Originally, osechi-ryori was delicacies offered to god on the New Year's Day as well as on four other seasonal festivals.





春分の日やお彼岸を英語で説明すると?:Vernal Equinox Day, Spring Equinox Day

March 21st is the 'Shunbun no hi', Vernal Equinox Day in Japan. On this day, the sun crosses the equator and the length of night and day becomes equal.



The week with this day in the middle is called 'Higan' (The land across the bank), when Buddhist services are performed for the spirits of their dead ancestors.



People clean the tombs, offer new flowers and incense, and payhomage to their ancestral tombs. They offer Higan dumplings and Botamochi on their household altars.





Shunbun no hi is Vernal Equinox Day, which falls on the 20th or 21st of March. During the week of the equinox, Buddhist temples hold special services and people pay their respects at their ancestors' graves.
