
NHKの語学サイトgogakuruに掲載されている85000以上の英語フレーズと、最新の入試問題(主に2021年大学入試の会話問題パート)を研究してはじき出した、『ネクステなどにあまり載ってないけど』出る!会話フレーズ77! http://www.haradaeigo.com


1  It's all Greek to me. 熊本保健科学大
2  Piece of cake! 青山学院大
3  Don't mention it. 大同大
4  Better luck next time. 龍谷大
5  It's letting up. 国士舘大
6  You have a point. 青山学院大
7  We'll keep in touch. 東京理科大
8  You can say that again. 東京都市大
9  Feel free to use it. 早稲田大
10  Things are looking up! 亜細亜大
11  This is on me. 青山学院大
12  What a coincidence! 関西学院大
13  Give me a break. 慶應義塾大
14  It's been a while. 立命館大
15  Are you with me? 創価大
16  It's not rocket science. 関西学院大
17  Don't get me wrong. 湘南工科大
18  Speak of the devil. 防衛大
19  This is between you and me. 佛教大
20  You just made my day! 関西学院大
21  Take your time. 桜美林大
22  It's no big deal. 昭和女子大
23  Keep at it. 東京理科大
24  It slipped my mind. 岩手医科大
25  It can't be. 京都産業大
26  You can't be serious. 関西大
27  This is the last straw! 立命館大
28  I'll count on you. 岩手医科大
29  It's quarter to midnight. 國學院大
30  A picture is worth a thousand words. 熊本県立大
31  I was spaced out. 早稲田大
32  Would you like to split the bill? 慶應義塾大
33  I'm positive. 芝浦工業大
34  Good for you. 産業能率大
35  Mind your own business. 津田塾大
36  I felt a little out of place. 専修大
37  That never occurred to me. 名城大
38  I won't be long. 國學院大
39  It doesn't ring a bell. 東京薬科大
40  I'm sorry to have kept you waiting. 青山学院大
41  That's a shame. 東海大
42  I'm not in the mood. 上智大
43  It's none of your business. 日本大
44  Time is running out! 武蔵野美術大
45  How's everything? 帝塚山大
46  Don't give way to temptation. 関西学院大
47  On second thought, let's go this way. 大阪経済法科大
48  It's still up in the air. 日本大
49  That makes a lot of sense. 法政大
50  Just in case. 早稲田大
51  Let's get down to business. 日本大
52  I didn't mean it. 拓殖大
53  Don't judge a book by its cover. 宮城教育大
54  It depends. 早稲田大
55  It's a deal. 同志社大
56  Keep it up! 武蔵野美術大
57  Easier said than done. 慶應義塾大
58  I hear you. 聖心女子大
59  It's up to you. 成蹊大
60  Let's call it a day. 名城大
61  You said it! 慶應義塾大
62  I'm all ears. 芝浦工業大
63  It's now or never. 日本大
64  Like what? 文教学院大
65  Now what? 都留文科大
66  I'll make it up to you some day. 和洋女子大
67  But here's some food for thought. 青山学院大
68  Take my word for it. 昭和女子大
69  Take it easy. 法政大
70  Are you in shape? 日本大
71  Don't push your luck. 東海大
72  Tell me about it! 中央大
73  That's a tall order! 東京理科大
74  Bull's - eye! 防衛医科大
75  Come again? 法政大
76  I wasn't born yesterday. 関西外語大
77  What a nuisance! 東京理科大



