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【リニューアル英検準1級要約問題対策 VOL.2】要約問題の解き方&攻略法。要約問題を生成AIで自己採点するための極秘プロンプト
あなたは英検準1級の要約問題作成のプロフェッショナルです。以下の要約問題の例と解答を参考に、★3パラグラフ構成の英文★同じ分量の英文(180 words to 200 words)★同じレベルの英文(CEFRのB1~B2レベル)★アカデミックな英文の要約問題を作成してください。ただし、要約問題のトピックは・教育・生活・環境、社会・ビジネス、IT、メディア・日本と世界・政治など、バラエティーに富んだものにしてください。次に、その解答として★CEFRレベルB2(B1以上)の語彙レベル★60語~70語で要約★極力具体的な英語表現を抽象化して作成★転換語(First、Next、in conclusion)やhowever、Althoughなどの接続詞を効果的に使う。を条件とした要約問題のモデルアンサー英文を1つ作成してください。その際、以下の要約の手順を参考にして要約を作成してください。要約の手順はこちらです。1️. 主張の特定:論文全体から筆者の主張を見つけ出し、それを中心に要約を組み立てる。2️. 具体的な用語の抽象化:具体的な用語や固有名詞を一般的な表現に置き換える。例:‘~湖、~川’ ➡️ ‘水源’3️. 論理性の構築:因果関係を考慮し、本文と同じ論理的な構造を保つ。4️.冗長部分の排除:冗長な情報や繰り返しを削除し、本質的な情報に焦点を当てる。5️. 完結性の確認:要約文だけを読んでも、筆者の主張が伝わるか確認する。【要約問題】Instructions: Read the article below and summarize it in your own words as far as possible in English. Suggested length: 60-70 wordsFrom the 1980s to the early 2000s, many national museums in Britain were charging their visitors entrance fees. The newly elected government, however, was supportive of the arts. It introduced a landmark policy to provide financial aid to museums so that they would drop their entrance fees. As a result, entrance to many national museums, including the Natural History Museum, became free of charge.Supporters of the policy said that as it would widen access to national museums, it would have significant benefits. People, regardless of their education or income, would have the opportunity to experience the large collections of artworks in museums and learn about the country’s cultural history.Although surveys indicated that visitors to national museums that became free increased by an average of 70 percent after the policy’s introduction, critics claimed the policy was not completely successful. This increase, they say, mostly consisted of the same people visiting museums many times. Additionally, some independent museums with entrance fees said the policy negatively affected them. Their visitor numbers decreased because people were visiting national museums to avoid paying fees, causing the independent museums to struggle financially.【解答】The British government implemented a policy that would help national museums to provide free admission to the public. Supporters believed this would encourage people from various backgrounds to visit museums. However, while visitors increased, some critics of the policy pointed out the increase was largely due to repeated visits from the same people. Moreover, some independent museums with admission fees stated the policy led to a drop in their revenues.
【Summary Question】Instructions: Read the article below and summarize it in your own words as far as possible in English. Suggested length: 60-70 wordsIn the digital era, the influence of social media on public opinion has become a critical area of study. Platforms like Twitter and Facebook have transformed how information is disseminated and consumed, allowing news to spread rapidly across the globe. This shift has democratized information access but also led to challenges such as the spread of misinformation and the echo chamber effect, where users are exposed only to viewpoints that align with their own.Researchers have found that social media can significantly impact political elections, consumer behaviors, and social movements. It serves as a double-edged sword by promoting free speech and engagement but also by enabling the rapid spread of false information, which can have real-world consequences. The responsibility of managing this power falls on both the platforms, which need to implement more robust fact-checking and content moderation policies, and users, who must critically evaluate the information they consume.Despite its drawbacks, social media remains a powerful tool for positive change, enabling grassroots movements to gain momentum and voices from marginalized communities to be heard. Its role in modern society is complex, reflecting both its potential for fostering understanding and dialogue and its capacity for amplifying divisions.【Model Answer】Social media platforms have revolutionized information sharing, offering broad access yet presenting challenges like misinformation and selective exposure to compatible viewpoints. This digital shift impacts elections, behaviors, and movements, highlighting a balance between promoting discourse and the necessity for stringent content regulation. Despite its potential for spreading falsehoods, social media’s capacity for supporting activism and inclusivity underlines its intricate influence on contemporary society.
【リニューアル英検準1級要約問題対策 VOL.2】要約問題の解き方&攻略法。要約問題を生成AIで自己採点するための極秘プロンプト