
今日2023年3月3日のgoogle doodle(グーグル特殊ロゴ)はひなまつりですね。ロゴをクリックすると、雛祭りの検索結果に飛ぶようになっています。









(1) あかりをつけましょ ぼんぼりに
   お花をあげましょ 桃の花
   五人ばやしの 笛太鼓
   今日はたのしい ひな祭り

(2) お内裏様(ダイリサマ)と おひな様
   二人ならんで すまし顔
   お嫁にいらした ねえさまに
   よく似た官女(カンジョ)の 白い顔

(3) 金のびょうぶに うつる灯(ヒ)を
   かすかにゆする 春の風
   すこし白酒(シロザケ) めされたか
   赤いお顔の 右大臣(ウダイジン)

(4) 着物をきかえて 帯しめて
   今日はわたしも はれ姿
   春のやよいの このよき日
   なによりうれしい ひな祭り 


(1) Let's light the lanterns
   Let's give flowers, peach blossoms
   Fife and drums of the five-piece orchestra
   Today's a happy Hinamatsuri

(2) Ohirisama and Ohihina
   Two figures standing together, looking so smart
   The princess looks like the bride-to-be
   The white face of the princess who resembles the bride

(3) A light on a golden screen
   A spring breeze that shimmers faintly
   A little white wine, perhaps?
   The red-faced Minister of the Right

(4) Put on the kimono, put on the obi
   I, too, am dressed for the day
   This fine day of spring's yayoi
   The most joyous of all Hinamatsuri festivals 



★Hina Matsuri (Doll Festival)
Hina Matsuri, also known as Doll Festival or Girls' Day, is a traditional Japanese festival celebrated on March 3rd. The festival is dedicated to young girls and their happiness, health, and growth.
The festival is characterized by the display of Hina dolls and peach blossoms. Hina dolls are a set of traditional Japanese dolls displayed on a tiered platform covered with red carpet. The dolls represent the Emperor, Empress, attendants, and musicians from the Heian period. Peach blossoms are also displayed as they are believed to ward off evil spirits and bring good fortune.

On this day, families with young daughters celebrate by displaying Hina dolls and offering special foods such as chirashi-zushi (scattered sushi), hina-arare (sweet rice crackers), and sakuramochi (pink rice cakes wrapped in pickled cherry blossom leaves).

Overall, Hina Matsuri is a beautiful festival that celebrates the happiness and well-being of young girls in Japan.




Hina Matsuri is a Japanese holiday that is celebrated every year on March 3rd, also known as Girls' Day. The holiday is dedicated to celebrating daughters and praying for their long, happy, and healthy lives. Traditionally, dolls made of straw were floated down rivers to send away bad spirits and protect children. Today, families give handmade dolls in traditional clothing to their daughters, and stores sell them in preparation for Girls' Day. The dolls are displayed prominently in the house until March 3rd. The dolls are typically in a set of 7 platforms, with the Emperor and Empress on the top platform. Konosu, Saitama has the largest public display of these dolls, with 31 platforms. Girls also receive special sweets called Hishimoschi, which come in three colors symbolizing chasing away evil spirits, purity, and health. Boys have their own holiday on May 5th with their own set of dolls. The dolls are put away on the night of March 3rd to avoid bad luck.




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