海外のバレンタイン事情は、Saint Valentine’s Day Around the Worldサイトがおすすめです。例えば韓国のバレンタインデーを見ると・・・

The traditional gift of candy takes place in Korea on February 14, but only from females to males. There is another special day for males to give gifts to females and this is celebrated on March 14. Very similar to the custom in Japan, March 14 in Korea is known as “White Day.” On “White Day,” many young men confess their love for the first time to their sweethearts. For those young people who have no particular romantic partners, the Koreans have set aside yet another date…April 14, also known as “Black Day.” On that date, such individuals get together and partake of Jajang noodles, which are black in color, hence the name of the day.



 I am still a bit confused about why males don’t give females anything on VDay… In the US, I think males give more things to females than females to males. ^_~ I guess it’s kind of like a “treat your lady” day. So basically, it’s more of a guy’s job to do all the romantic stuff that day. ^_^;;; What did you do on VDay? I got many cards and candy from my friends <girls and boys> and I gave many people cards too. ^^ My mother gave me flowers. <^_^ I didn’t get her anything except a hug> Oh, that reminds me, how much affection is shown in Japan? Many people tell me that it’s taboo to do public displays of affection. ^_^;;

 どうやら、アメリカのバレンタインデーでは、女性から男性に物をあげることよりも、男性から女性に物をあげることの方が多いみたいですね(Treat your lady day「彼女をもてなす日」とも言っています!)。日本とは正反対ですね。おまけに、バレンタインデーには男女関係なくカードを送る!これまた日本とは違いますね!ちなみに、スーザンはいろいろな人から「日本人は人前でいちゃつくことはタブー」と聞いているそうですね!

 I was surprised to hear that only females give gifts on the day!! It was kinda weird to me, since I had never heard of that! And as for “Obligation Chocolate”…I wouldn’t really want it, knowing it was given out of a feeling of obligation…would hurt my feelings…to know it was not a gift from the heart…to me, that’s kind of offensive-a little heartbreaker;_; Weren’t you sad to get giri choco?!

 義理チョコ(obligation chocolate)についての感想を語ってもらいました。彼女だったら絶対にもらいたくないといっていますね!そうか、確かに日本は”製菓会社”が考案してチョコレートを渡す風習が出来たと言うし・・・。そんなチョコもらったってうれしくもないよですね!考えてみれば!(といいつつ毎年沢山の義理チョコをありがたくもらうという^^;)

 I know japanese custome about S.Valentine, I know you call it “white day” and girl presents chocolate to boys (parents and friends)…. In Italy there is S.Valentine’s day, but it’s only for fiances. girl presents thing to boy, boy presents thing to girl (usually roses). For single like me, it’s not happy day. It’s the day of fiances….

 このミック、日本ではバレンタインをホワイトデーと言うと思っています。おまけにスペルミスも結構アル!うーむ。イタリアではどうやらバレンタインデーは女性が男性にプレゼントを渡す日のようです。(fianceというのは少しニュアンスが違うと思います!)プレゼントもバラを送るのが主流みたいですね!ちなみにこのミック。彼女がいないので”For single like me it’s not happy day.”(ひとり身の俺にとっては幸せな日じゃあないぜ)とおどけてみせています!


 Valentine’s Day is for lovers. A guy would only give something (chocolates or flowers) to a girl he’s interested in. It’s also a good day for a girl (or a guy) to be a secret admirer. Sometimes a high school club will raise money by selling roses. You buy a flower, sign a note saying, “from your secret admirer” and they deliver it to the person during school. This way, you won’t embarress yourself by signing your name. The person will read the note and ask all of his friends if they know who it is. They’ll all try to find out and eventually, if you think that person would be interested, you can let them find out or never ever tell and it can always be a mystery.

Little kids in elementary school buy packages of Valentines and in class they decorate boxes to hold their cards. Sometime during the day the teacher lets them secretly deliver their cards. Either everyone will put their decorated box on their desk and put their heads down so they can’t see and the teacher delivers all the cards for the students or kids can deliver their cards during recess when no one will see them because everyone is outside playing. All the popular kids get a ton of cards and all the kids no one likes will get none or 1. The package also comes with 1 card for the teacher.

Grown ups usually buy 1 dozen red roses for their girlfriends and a box of chocolates and then go out to dinner. You have to make reservations weeks in advance because everyone is out to dinner that night. Florist also raise the prices on all their flowers too so they can cost $50.00 or more for 12 flowers. Then there are a few people who don’t want any of that because they believe that if you have to wait until Valentine’s Day to show your love then it’s not real it’s just duty.

 名前を伏せて(匿名で)花を好きな人に渡してもらうなんて、なんかロマンチックですね!もらった人も「誰かなぁ」「あの子かなぁ」なんて色々と想像したりして!えっ?とらえ方によってはストーカーみたいでイヤだって?夢がないなぁ >;-(