"I want to eat an America dog." 「アメリカンドッグが食べたい」




"I want to eat a corn dog." 

ba061aa1「アメリカンドッグ」はアメリカでは通じません。フランクフルトに衣(日本では小麦粉を用いますが、アメリカではトウモロコシを用います)をつけて揚げたものをcorn dog(コーン・ドッグ)と言います。



 1906年のある寒い4月のポロ・グランド野球場(ニューヨーク・ジャイアンツの本拠地)でのこと。アイスクリームとソーダを売っていたハリー・スティーブンス(Harry Stevens)は、寒さのために全く商売になりませんでした。そこで、売り子に指示をして、ある限りのダックスフント・ソーセージとロールパンを買い集めさせました。そして、ソーセージにパンを挟んで温め、

They are red-hot! Get your dachshund sausages while they're red-hot!


 その様子を見ていたスポーツ漫画家のタッド・ドーガン(Tad Dorgan)が、新聞の4コマ漫画に描こうと思い、パンに挟まれたダックスフント・ソーセージが吠えている漫画を描きましたが、dachshundというスペルが思い出せず、hot dogとしてしまったのです。

 この漫画は大評判になり、またhot dogという名前も有名になったということです。



☆The most popular hot dog topping among adults is mustard (87.6%). Among children, it is ketchup. 
☆Babe Ruth once ate 12 hot dogs & 8 bottles of soda between games of a double header. He was reportedly rushed to the hospital after the game with a severe case of indigestion. 
☆Al Capone’s favourite food was Nathan’s Coney Island hot dogs, as was Cary Grant’s. 
☆The average hot dog is consumed in 6.1 bites. 
☆On July 4, 1916 four Irish immigrants held a hot dog eating contest to decide which of them was the most patriotic. The winner, James Mullen, at 13 dogs & buns in 12 minutes. 
☆The 2001 world record for hot dog eating is 50 wieners with buns in 12 minutes 
☆The Canadian champ, Chris Eyres of New Westminster, BC, ate 18 in 12 minutes in 2001. 
☆Chicago's O'Hare International Airport sells more than 2 million hot dogs a year. 
☆Baseball fans will enjoy "in the ballpark" of 26.8 million hot dogs at US baseball stadiums this season. That's enough to circle the bases 36,000 times. 
☆More hot dogs will be eaten at Jacob's Field, home of the Cleveland Indians - 1.8 million in 2001 - than in any other ballpark. 
dog001☆President Franklin Roosevelt served King George VI of England hot dogs & beer during a White House visit in 1939. Mrs. Jimmy Carter served hot dogs at a White House picnic in 1977. ☆☆Queen Elizabeth II served hot dogs at a royal banquet held for the American Bar Association. 
☆Americans consumed 20 billion hot dogs in 2000. The 7 billion eaten just during the summer months are enough to stretch from Chicago  (the hot dog capital of the universe) to Frankfurt, ☆Germany (where it all began) 125 times. 
☆Weight Watchers includes hot dogs in its medically-approved diet regimen. 
☆NASA has approved hot dogs as a regular item on Apollo moon flights, Skylab missions & space shuttle flights. 
☆In Hot Dog Jonny's first year of operation, our customers drank 5.8 million ml. of drinks, ate 9,000 bags of chips & enjoyed over 23,000 hot dogs & sausages. They covered those dogs with ☆800 liters of condiments, 600 pounds of chili, 400 pounds of cheese & 500 pounds of onions.